Tuesday 21 November 2017

Thinking around how my teaching has changed

How has some of my thinking around teaching changed or been further enhanced?

My thinking around teaching has changed from feeling like i can handle the whole class to learning the diverse learning and behavior needs within one class alone. The levels of learning within a class are so dynamic that without being able to adapt and change the same lesson plan i would not be able to keep the children engaged and learning at a level they understand.

Interesting discoveries

Some interesting discoveries that i have found out about myself has been patience, who would think that is something i have discovered with having six of my own children.
But let me tell you in a class full of five year olds i learnt a whole new level of patience. The children like to test it and know you are not the main teacher. Being able to adapt to each child and their individual needs has been something i have learnt and am still learning.
Another discovery has been how have i managed to stay in study and routine and being able to complete year one. I am proud of myself and look forward to completing year two next year. I am now also able to show my kids hard work and dedication pays off if you follow your dreams.

Further development

Areas of further development that I identify for myself?

I feel i have room for further develop in every area of being a student and becoming a teacher. I can make huge improvement on my time management skills and the work and time i out into my assignments. 

I am working on further developing my range of learning/teaching techniques for children of all ranges. There may be barriers for that child with physical or mental capabilities but being able to adjust the same lesson to cater for each individual is very important and is something i would like to develop further throughout my teaching journey.

A huge area for development is also being able to write up detailed lesson plans that are able to flow smoothly by any teacher that may need to teach them. I would also like to learn how to integrate multiple curriculum areas to enable easy flow and easy teaching for my class.

Whakatauki and Kiwaha

Image result for whakatauki

Within my teaching philosophy i like the whakatauki " Foster the pathway of knowledge to strength, independence and growth for future generations". This i feel as a teacher i need to follow. If i foster the pathway of knowledge for the children i teach in a positive engaging class then i feel i would give the children strength, independence and let them grow for their own future and their future generations. 

Me he te - Like a boss

I feel the Kiwaha " Like a boss" is a fun saying towards students to boost their confidence and give them praise. Like a boss shows them one day they can be a leader at what they choose to do and encourage them to also support their classmates.

What makes me so special

What makes me so special?

I don't have a complete answer for this. We are all unique and special in our own ways. I am a confident mother to 6 soon to be 7 beautiful children who i have brought up mainly on my own. They make me who i am today, determined to learn new things and to allow myself and my children to follow our dreams.
I do know that with having many children who all have different needs, interests and that learn all so differently i have been able to grow and adapt to their needs. I have learnt that even at the same ages they can all be on so many different levels and all need support in a different way. I am able to learn about early intervention and the massive boost it gives to those children in need.
I am special because i am me. I change and grow every day and will always strive to learn alongside children in how they want to learn.

What do i understand with ethics in education

This year i have gained so much knowledge on what ethics are for teaching and as a professional in the workforce. Before this degree i have only ever been a stay at home mother to my children and with this it has totally different ethics we stick to.
Without ethics in education there would be no regulation on what rules or regulations teachers have to stick to. This is important to have unity across the teaching field and for the families and children that are being taught within the schooling system.
The teaching ethics tell me how i should and shouldn't dress, communicate with fellow work colleges and with the families i will be involved with as a teacher. I must always dress tidy without any slang or gang colours on me. I must communicate clearly and honestly with the students and their families. I must follow the curriculum and teach to the best of my knowledge making sure i give the students work that s suited to their level of learning.
Over the next two years i will gain a deeper understanding of the ethics around teaching and education. I will strive to always do better and be able to communicate clearly with others in my field.

Elements embedded into my teaching

The elements that are embedded into my teaching are always growing and expanding as i journey further into my teaching degree.

To believe every child is a learner and has their own journey to follow is huge. Knowing that as humans we all learn differently at different rates and can all be successful in our lives if we work on our goals. Without believing in yourself as a teacher or the child you are not allowing for growth and success for that child within your class and may as well not be a teacher.

I need to trust in the way i teach and teach with confidence so that my students believe in themselves to grow and follow their dreams for the future. Everyone comes with their own values as does every school. When we combine these values it makes us a team that can only but flourish in our own learning journeys.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

My important values for teaching

What are the important values for teaching that you carry with you?

The values that i carry with me as a student teacher is the Nga Takepu approach as i feel this supports a student and their learning from all four corners.

Ahurutanga - I like to create a safe place within my classroom so all the children feel safe and secure to extend their learning while in a fun environment amongst other students.

Koha - To give my time and knowledge to the students so they can learn and share with their own pairs. For the children to share their own experiences and knowledge with me and their pairs in a safe classroom.

Mauri-ora - While in our safe classroom i will make sure that the students physical, emotional, and mental well being is being cared for. I feel that we need to care for our well-beings in order to be able to create the safe space for learning and sharing.

Kotahitanga - As a class we will have rules set so everyone knows their expectations and can look after one another. As a teacher i will make sure that friendships and trust is made within our class circle so that everyone is felt included in our class.

Sunday 17 September 2017

Why i came to teaching? What can i offer?

Why have you come into teaching? 

I came into the teaching profession to gain more knowledge on helping my own children through their learning journeys and help them with the struggles a state school offers. I have realized how much state schools miss when it comes to each individual needs of my children and many are falling through he cracks as their learning styles are not being found and used for teaching.

What do you offer the profession?

To teaching i can bring a fun engaging teacher with knowledge that every student is unique in the ways we learn and at a pace of our own while making the class feel a safe place for all to share their feelings and ideas.

Tuesday 5 September 2017


Kia ora 

Ko Mt Ngongotaha te maunga

Ko Lake Rotorua te awa

Ko Carly toku ingoa

Nō reira tēna koutou katoa 

Hello my name is Carly Ritchie, I am in my first year of my bachelor of Primary teaching. I really enjoy working with children to reach their full potential. I look forward to working alongside other teachers in a range of settings over my three years. I hope to bring a happy, positive and caring energy to the classrooms I am part of. 

I am a mother to 6 beautiful girls aged from eleven to twenty months old. They teach me so many new things everyday as I learn from them.

Thinking around how my teaching has changed

How has some of my thinking around teaching changed or been further enhanced? My thinking around teaching has changed from feeling like ...