Tuesday 19 September 2017

My important values for teaching

What are the important values for teaching that you carry with you?

The values that i carry with me as a student teacher is the Nga Takepu approach as i feel this supports a student and their learning from all four corners.

Ahurutanga - I like to create a safe place within my classroom so all the children feel safe and secure to extend their learning while in a fun environment amongst other students.

Koha - To give my time and knowledge to the students so they can learn and share with their own pairs. For the children to share their own experiences and knowledge with me and their pairs in a safe classroom.

Mauri-ora - While in our safe classroom i will make sure that the students physical, emotional, and mental well being is being cared for. I feel that we need to care for our well-beings in order to be able to create the safe space for learning and sharing.

Kotahitanga - As a class we will have rules set so everyone knows their expectations and can look after one another. As a teacher i will make sure that friendships and trust is made within our class circle so that everyone is felt included in our class.

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